Oh what a great day it was yesterday when I finally completed my craft corner. It ended when I finished covering my Fira chest. It took several coats of paint and lacquer and two attempts at covering with paper, but now I am so, so pleased. In fact, I am very excited about all of my color and paper choices lately. I began to modify the phrase "measure twice, cut once," to say, "think once, create twice," in that whatever my initial plan is, I execute it, something goes wrong or I decide to change it, (like with my bulletin board) and then I love it in the end.

The drawers before I put them into the base.

Close up of the pattern of the side.

The insides of the drawers, painted yellow and lacquered, were dusty, bumpy and rough and I thought that I wouldn't want to put my paper and supplies into the drawers that way. So I covered the bottoms with paper from a pack of 12x12 scrapbook paper that I got at Target for just $1 this past Sunday! I love Target's $1 bins - I also got a stamp pad, ribbon and two packs of small scraps (that match the larger pack of paper), all for $1 each.

Voila! Here is my new, clean space. I think the colors all go so perfectly together. The area really lights up the room and finally something is on the walls! I'm going to order two shelves to put above the TV to display my many cameras and knick knacks and I think that wall will finally be complete.

Speaking of walls, I finally began my mirror wall in the entryway. You see, when I was growing up, my grandmother still lived in her house in Belle Harbor, Queens, NY, that my dad and aunt grew up in. I loved it, so vintage, cozy, a few houses down from the beach. One of my favorite features was that the whole entry wall, going all the way up the staircase, was covered with mirrors collected from all over the world. When she sold the house, I was still young and didn't have any interest in most of the mirrors. But after I moved into my apartment, I had the perfect wall for mirrors and for my birthday, my grandmother gave me a few of the ones that were on her wall. I already had the two larger mirrors and one of the stained glass ones, but the rest are hers. There's a mirror on there from Greece and one from China, probably other places, too, but now I forget. I can't wait to see this wall grow.
That's what I've been up to lately. With each project, I get closer to feeling like I have a completed apartment that really feels like home.