September 13, 2008

blast from the past

I have so enjoyed reading my old blog entries that I imported from last year. Today I remembered a blog I had kept even earlier, in 2006. I started a travelog from May-July while I was preparing for and taking a trip alone to the Czech Republic and Italy after I graduated from high school.


I had such flashbacks while rereading my entries! And I realized, they aren't bad at all. In fact, the writing is on par with (if not sometimes better than) my current writing, so why not import those entries? So I have. Here are the archives from May, June and July 2006, for a total of 12 entries.

Florence, Italy

Unfortunately, they are text-only, but here are some pictures from the trip, and more can be seen on my Flickr, here.


  1. i love the shot of all the windows. wonderful!

  2. I love Italy! We were fortunate enough to go there for our honeymoon ;) The Czech Republic is on the travel list!
