I am counting down the days until I'm done with school. Only 15 more class days left, and I couldn't be more excited or distracted, thinking of all of the things I am going to do when my days are free (shopping, for a start.) I'm so distracted that during a particularly boring part of class today I wrote my entire to do list for the apartment, detailing what needs to be done in each room. It feels good to have it down on paper; I work better that way.
The list was started because we had such a successful weekend. The boy installed shelving in my closet, put together the other chest of drawers in the living room, and assembled the last bookcase for the kitchen. That one was tricky because I needed to hack an ordinary Ikea
Billy bookshelf. I wanted to make it into a utility closet, complete with doors, but it needed to be built without the fixed middle shelf, which is integral to its strength. So the boy had to brace it from the inside with 2x4s, and it was a whole lot of work. You'll see the photos of it sometime in the future. I'm shy about taking pictures of my apartment because I want it to be perfect! I tend to forget to take 'before' or 'during' shots, only to regret it later. I have some poor quality pictures on my iPhone from when the apartment was empty, though, so perhaps you'll see them for comparison.
Sorry for such a jumbled entry. I just wanted to write that I had a productive weekend, except that it gave way to
so many more things I have to do (paint, changing hardware, installing hooks, getting curtains, etc.) Luckily, it's all stuff
I can do. Before, it was a lot of waiting around for the boy to do important construction that I wasn't experienced enough to do (he was taking drills and saws to stuff like you wouldn't believe.) I hate it when I need something to be done by someone else, that I can't do. But at last, it's done, and his work in the apartment is largely done in general. Now, for the next few weekends, as well as late August, and into September, I'll be playing decorator, so maybe, finally you can see what my apartment looks like!