October 03, 2008

dog photography

The boy is a dog trainer and walker downtown, and he's been wanting me to create some advertisements for him for a while now. Yesterday I met him at work and we took his favorite dog, Yuki, a Shiba Inu, to the East River for a photo shoot! Here are my three favorites:

Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu
I'm too embarrassed to admit what kind of camera I used to shoot these. For everything else, I shoot on film and I haven't upgraded my digital camera in years. It's awful. Hopefully next year I'll get a new one.

I'm still nagging the boy to give me some ideas about what he wants the ads to say, since he keeps nixing all of mine! But hopefully from these we can create some postcards to hand out or send in the mail.


  1. Those are good pictures, especially the white background with the dog looking into the camera :)

  2. Great pictures! I really love the middle one, he looks so dignified :-) Remember it's not the camera, it's the photographer & you're a good one!

  3. I love the first one! You're very talented.

  4. Great job. . . I want to bookmark the profile to put in my reference for my needle felted animal head portraits!!! Great photos and lovely dog. . .

  5. These are really beautiful photo's! Love the composition, colour combination - and the dog too!! :)

  6. ohmygoodness. too cute. i love the third photo :D
