I don't write enough about how much I love sushi. Well, I guess there really isn't too much to say besides I love sushi, and that I could eat sushi every day. My favorite kind of fish is salmon. I'll eat salmon nigiri, salmon sashimi, salmon roll, you name it. What's your favorite?

Lately, for lunch, I've been going to a sushi takeout place right across the street from me. Yesterday I got a salmon roll with cucumber instead of avocado because I thought I'd save on the fat calories. But alas, faithful reader, whenever you are faced with the choice between avocado and cucumber, make the right choice, and choose avocado, because it truly is meant to be with salmon.
Excuse the poor quality of the photos because as always, I take these with my iPhone. That's one of the downsides of owning a dSLR. I don't bring it with me unless I know I'm taking a lot of pictures, as it doesn't fit so nicely in my bag.
I've got a lot of things cooking (or baking?) for my shop, which may be released this weekend or early next week. New everything! More to choose from!
Oh, yeah, and here are some bananas:

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